Diana Reveals Story of a Difficult Health Journey to Being Very Healthy

Learn from Diana when she reveals the story that inspired her to start Real Food for Life, this website. She is passionate about eating healthy REAL food, not junk food and helping others be healthy.

Also, it is why she wrote  Green Means Lean E-Book  and Alkaline Diet Principles E-book

Diana Herrington, Vibrant and Healthy Today

Most people know Diana Herrington, Head Chef at Real Food For Life, as a perky, passionate compassionate person mingling in all the Edmonton events and having fun sharing health information and strategies.

Life for her has not always been as good as it is now. This is where Diana reveals her story.

“94 Pounds and Can’t Move for the Pain and the Fatigue”

She lived with Fibromyalgia and Severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 17 years. Diana tried everything under the sun and none of it really worked.  For those years, she was on an expensive alternative medicine journey trying dozens of things and some even made her worse. For details about her health journey go to: My Fibromyalgia Story With Chronic Fatigue and Now Dancing in Life!

This is exactly why she is so passionate about helping others with health and dietary challenges and why her first e-book will focus on the 7 principles of health – these are exactly the principles that made a dramatic difference in her life. Balancing acid/alkaline and food combining was what saved her life.

Principle #1 – Eat Real Whole Food Diana’s health decline began early in life as she was often fed junk food as a child.  She only recognized that fact after many years of suffering mysterious health challenges throughout most of her adult life.

Here is where Diana reveals her story.

“My Mom was great but she came from a generation and time when the world was enamoured by fancy packages from the store. Everyone thought it was modern and the right thing to do just like smoking. We ate Kraft Dinner and canned beans at least 5 times a week.

There were many times when that instead of dinner, Mom would send us to the corner store and we would buy our choice of a chocolate bar, bag of chips or cheezies, and a pop. My choice was always a Coffee Crisp, cheezies, and a Pepsi which in my 10 year old mind seemed like a great meal. Is it any wonder I have had a sugar craving my whole life?”

Principle #2 – Regeneration: This principle states that the body is constantly renewing itself and can therefore create a more healthy and balanced condition IF you just supply the proper nutrition.  This is a process that we often take for granted until that ability is compromised.  Diana’s life demonstrates that yes, the body can regenerate! To give you a glimpse of her condition here are a few entries from her diary as she was living, and struggling in England.

“I had another bad night; again woke in the middle of the night with very sharp pains in my guts.  Also, my neck and shoulders were so intensely painful that I could not lay on either side for long. Even my ears hurt.” October 1, 1995

And more:

“I am eating very carefully as I never know which of the foods I have found to be good, will end up causing intense pain.”  October 11, 1995

It got even worse:

“I must say I am still continuing to get worse in my health.  Every few weeks I notice I am a little worse and feel totally helpless in regard to what is happening to my body.  I am doing what I am able to and still, my body is deteriorating. There is nothing I can do about it anymore. I am at the mercy of the others helping me or letting my body die.” February 6, 1996

Vital Health Assessment
Vital Health Assessment Values

What took her back to full health from fibromyalgia was a specialized Custom Health Testing that included investigating Chinese herbal tonics.  After one year of regular consumption and testing, she was fully back in life again!  Diana was able to eat a whole variety of foods so was no longer allergic to all those foods they told her she was. This is where she got the Chinese herbal  Nourishment to bring her back to full health.

If you would like to know more contact, Diana.

It is this kind of experience that inspired Diana to become involved in helping others with their health full time for the past 8 years, and why in 2008 she began the Real Food For Life website along with friend and colleague, Randy Fritz.  Her next step was to consolidate some of the information from the website and her life into compact e-books for everyone.

Here is what Diana says:
“I hope that my story revealed here will help you in your journey to being fully healthy like I am.

My experience led me to research and learn from a natural doctor to heal my digestion. I wrote two e-books focusing on this.

This is my first book which goes into detail and has recipes in it too.

Green Means Lean E-Book – Teaches you how to balance your body’s pH simply and easily.  Learn about Acid-Alkaline Balancing for a healthier body.

Also, you will learn the principles of ‘Food Combining’  properly for the best digestion and slimness.

Later I created this one just on the alkaline-producing diet.

alkaline diet ebook cover

Alkaline Diet Principles E-book – Acid / Alkaline Balance

Learn how an alkaline diet can easily and permanently create a fundamental chemical balance in your body that supports energy, weight management, healing, and total fitness.

Contains the full description of the acid/alkaline balance and understanding.”

And then a course to help with good digestion:

Healthy Lean BootCamp: Food Combining & Alkaline Balance for Regeneration & Healthy Slimness

Here are some great recipes to start your journey to health.

The first two were a big part of my life for a few years.

Perfect Vegetable Juice

 Spring Cleanse Vegetable Juice Is So Healthy, Tasty, and Easy to Digest – This alkalizing vegetable juice is full of vitamins and minerals in an assimilable form. This was the main part of my diet for years when I was unwell with Fibromyalgia as it was so easy to digest.

 Alkalizing Apple Green Smoothie is Tasty and Healthy  – This alkalizing apple green smoothie is so easy to make. It can be a very healthy breakfast or a tasty snack.  It is simple to make with all alkalizing foods.

Creamy Swiss Chard Soup with Almonds is Delicious – This delicious Swiss chard soup is hearty with the addition of potatoes and is very nutritious too. I love that it is so creamy without the addition of cow’s milk and crunchy almonds on top.

Delicious Power Spinach Salad with Avocado and Walnuts -This spinach salad is full of healthy greens that is one of the highest alkaline-forming foods and spinach is full of vitamins A, K, and D.This is a very simple and tasty salad to make and is full of superfoods; everyone I have served it to enjoys it very much.

vital healt assessment

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12 thoughts on “My Fibromyalgia Story With Chronic Fatigue and Now Dancing in Life!”

  1. I really enjoyed this article, I have fibromyalgia, arthritis, diabetes and asthma. I have been in severe pain for several years and could not get any help from doctors. I am going to a Chinese doctor who seems to be helping me. They say I am full of inflammation caused by allergies and sensitivity to several things. Do yo have any suggestions on how to get well. Would appreciate hearing from you at your convenience Thanks very much. PEGGY

    Diana, I can totally relate to your story as I also suffered the same as you for just as many years. Thank God I got also a second chance on life and feel very healthy now with good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. I dance a lot and love it. Martha.

  3. Hey,Diana! Can you help me with the herbs too? Because I can’t stand the pain anymore and I really don’t know what to do.

    Hi Diana,could i get a list of the Chinese Herbs.
    Foods to consume and avoid.
    I think Iv spent about 15k in 2 years with my post viral chronic fatigue although i am better than I was after 6 months basically bed bound with intense flu like symptoms,im still very ill,unable to work never mind travel,which I lived for.I keep trying new things currently 98 Alive but i still feel dreadful.Hoping you can help.You must be brimming from ear to ear to be well again.Your story gives me hope.x

    Hi Diane I’m Evrill I’m interested into your Chinese diet please would love to speak to you.im interested in knowing more how can I contacted you.thank

  6. Hi Diana I am very excited about your story. it is wonderful. I’m in fully of joy.
    Please I will like to know about the Chinse Herbal

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Green means Lean e-book

Green means Lean

Later I created this one just on the alkaline-producing diet.

alkaline diet ebook cover

Alkaline Diet Principles E-book – Acid / Alkaline Balance

Learn how an alkaline diet can easily and permanently create a fundamental chemical balance in your body that supports energy, weight management, healing, and total fitness.

Contains the full description of the acid/alkaline balance and understanding.

And then a course to help with good digestion:

Healthy Lean BootCamp: Food Combining & Alkaline Balance for Regeneration & Healthy Slimness

vital healt assessment

Subscribe to the Newsletter

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12 thoughts on “Diana Reveals Story of a Difficult Health Journey to Being Very Healthy”

  1. Good for you Diana – having known you in England when you were so sick it looked like you might die it is fabulous to see you not only fit, healthy and vibrant again but also being such a fountain of support for others!

  2. Thank you to all three of you who are such good friends. Yes Sarah, you definitely saw me at my worst and I am so happy to be able to live fully. And yes I have been there and love to help others move forward too.
    Thank you Chinny, you were there at the beginnig of me going down.

  3. Many of us have stories to talk about Diana.
    Our generation was blessed with great well meaning mom’s and dad’s that knew nothing about nutrition.
    We were all poor and had many brothers and sisters. Times where tough but family life was incredible. Now is the time for us to give back from what we have learned and you have a story that emulates many of the feelings and emotions we all share.
    Continue telling your story and we will spread your message.
    Pierrette & I have as a mission to be a compass to all that want and need help,Body Mind & Spirit.
    Pierre & Pierrette

  4. Congratulations on your incredible journey to health. Gluten is a major contributing factor to CFS. May you continue in good health for many years to come!

    1. Thank you Lucille. A gluten diet certainly did not help but going gluten free did not bring me back to full health at all. It was not till I did the Vital Health Assessment with the Chinese herbal tonics that I began to fully recover. Once I recovered which did take a year, I never had a relapse. I continue to become stronger every year.

  5. Hi Diana,

    I love your site and became your follower. Can you please tell me wher can one get Vital Health Assessment
    with Chinese herbal tonic ?
    Thank you very much.
    ~~ Mira

    1. Hi Mira, apologies for the delayed reply.
      Here is the link to the testing: http://vitalhealthtest.com/applications/
      Do the Basic Body Assessment #B which includes the Chinese herbal tonic supplements.

  6. Hi Diana,
    Just came across your article on Care2 about healthy fats.
    I wanted to know your thoughts about Sunflower oil, Canola oil peanut oil. Their use for cooking and frying etc.

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