My Fibromyalgia Story With Chronic Fatigue, Now Happy Dancing in Life

Here is where you can learn about my fibromyalgia story and how I got my health fully back. I lived with Fibromyalgia and Severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 17 years.

fibromyalgia chronic fatigue

I Was Sick and Tired!

With Severe Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia!

I Was a successful London entrepreneur
and I lost everything!

Lost My Health, Partner, Friends, and My Business.

Now I am in good health, and even went on my dream journey to India and hiked up a mountain powered by Chinese Herbal concentrated foods.

Anyone can recover from chronic problems including Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and live a happier, healthier fuller life. It is important not to give up even though you need to accept what is happening.

I tried everything under the sun and none of it worked.  For 17 years, I was on an expensive alternative medicine journey where I tried dozens of things and some even made me worse.

What is fibromyalgia?

fibromyalgia chronic fatigueThis is what the Mayo Clinic says:

“Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory, and mood issues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain and spinal cord process painful and nonpainful signals.

Women are more likely to develop fibromyalgia than are men. Many people who have fibromyalgia also have tension headaches, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, and depression.”

So now what is chronic fatigue syndrome?

fibromyalgia chronic fatigueHere is Harvard Medical School’s definition:

“Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a complicated illness characterized by at least six months of extreme fatigue that is not relieved by rest, and a group of additional symptoms that also are constant for at least six months. In many people with chronic fatigue syndrome, the disorder begins suddenly, often following a flulike infection or an episode of physical or psychological trauma, such as surgery, a traumatic accident, or the death of a loved one. In other cases, chronic fatigue syndrome develops gradually. The illness lasts for many months or years, and only a small percentage of people recover full health.”

All of the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia listed above and more were a part of my daily life.

My Fibromyalgia Story

Was Sick and Tired with Fibromyalgia

Finally, I was diagnosed with Severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after limping around for years.  What I now know from much reading is that I definitely had Fibromyalgia too as I was in pain everywhere, even the outside of my ears.  I was unable to take painkillers due to the side effects mostly to my non-functioning digestive system.  In a way that was a good thing as I did not load my system up with more toxins.

There was a point when I was only able to eat 12 foods and not all of them for sure.

I couldn’t eat anything raw and never knew which ones would be OK from one day to the next.  They told me I was allergic to almost everything.

fibromyalgia chronic fatigue
Diana with Fibromyalgia – Clinic Spring 1996

In the spring of 1996, I spent 6 weeks at a clinic, cleansing and slowly finding out which foods worked for me.  Being there helped stabilize my health; I stopped losing a few pounds a week. It took me from 25% functioning to 40% (45% on a good day) functioning. The best part was that I was able to eat 12 foods that worked most of the time after being in the clinic. But it did not completely heal me. It was another 5 years before I became fully healthy again.

I Was Sick and Tired with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue and Became Well!

fibromyalgia chronic fatigue
Riding a Bicycle Again

What took me the rest of the way back to full health from fibromyalgia was specialized Custom Health Testing that included investigating Chinese herbal tonics.  After one year of regular consumption and testing, I was fully back in life again!  I was eating a whole variety of foods so I was no longer allergic to all those foods they told me I was. This is where I got the Chinese herbal  Nourishment to bring me back to full health. If you would like to know more ask me.

It is possible to be fully healthy again! I recovered fully from fibromyalgia in 2001 and still count my blessings to this day.

To be fully alive, not housebound, to be driving a car without painful arms, to go for long 3-hour walks, to dance, and to do my gardening without pain is truly something to be thankful for. Also, to be able to walk through the perfume aisle at a department store and not fall over and be unwell for weeks. I was grateful to be able to work again and not have fibromyalgia.

My digestive system was doing its job, my respiratory system was not so challenged and my immune system was strong so no more flues and colds. Overall I became stronger and healthier. To this day in 2022, I am still very healthy and never get flues and colds as others do. I love the Chinese Herbal concentrated foods that I drink and eat every single day. I am grateful.

The day I phoned the Disability office to tell them I did not qualify for the benefits anymore as I did not have fibromyalgia, was amazing.  The social worker was surprised. He said I made his year!  I had been living on Disability for 10 years.

Never give up.  It is possible.

There is something out there that will do it and this is why we must never give up. My motto during those last 10 difficult years was:

“Give In but Don’t Give Up”

Here is a poem I wrote during that time:

Cloudy Day – 30 August 1996

It is a cloudy day.
A comforting blanket
of soft grays covers us.

Every now and again
the sun peeps out brightly
blinding us for seconds
and casts bits of rainbows
around me and my room
from the window crystals.

There was a time when
only the sun could bring
the delights of this earth
to me.

But naught does it matter
on this fair day of clouds.
For today is lovely to me.

And how was my body feeling that day? I was in pain with fibromyalgia and didn’t even have the energy to walk outside or cut up vegetables for a meal. But still, by giving in to what was happening, I found I could enjoy the moment.

I did get better and was able to do the things I once enjoyed before being ill.

I went on my dream journey to India and hiked up Arunachala mountain.

My Fibromyalgia story
India Feb 2002 with a friend on Arunachala mountain

Now, I Live a Full Life Without Fibromyalgia

Diana Gardening Summer 2015

I am a gardener, clean my house, and walk up 100 stairs regularly. After 15 years of being disabled, I am a fully functioning woman and I am grateful to have my life back. I am dancing in life!

To be able to easily travel all over the world proves to me  (and to you) that I really am well and I do not even get the flu and colds that I see others do around me. This is because I nourish my respiratory system and immune system every day with Chinese herbal foods.

I invite you to get Custom Health Testing that includes investigating Chinese herbal tonics to help you be in optimum health.

So, to brag a little here are a few pictures of me traveling around the world in recent years after becoming well.

my fibromyalgia story
At a party in Hong Kong in 2007
On the Great Wall of China in 2007
Diana in Tibet 2007


More about my fibromyalgia story and the principles I used to help myself and others:

Click here: Diana Reveals Some More of Her Difficult Health Story

NOTE: If you have Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and would like some personal help from me and to learn about the Chinese Herbal Foods and testing I use, message me and we can arrange a phone call.

To help others, I have created several Weekend Web Trainings to share my experience and knowledge.
You will learn to Detox, to Alkalize, and how To do Food Combining.

My experience led me to research and learn from a natural doctor to heal my digestion. I wrote two e-books focusing on this.

This is my first book that goes into detail and has recipes.

Green Means Lean E-Book – Teaches you how to balance your body’s pH and easily.  Learn about Acid-Alkaline Balancing for a healthier body.

Also, you will learn the principles of ‘Food Combining’  properly for the best digestion and slimness.

Later I created this one just on the alkaline-producing diet.

Balance Your Body Alkaline Foods

Balance Your Body – Learn All You Need to Know About the Alkaline Diet

Learn how an alkaline diet can easily and permanently create a fundamental chemical balance in your body that supports energy, weight management, healing, and total fitness.

Contains the full description of the acid/alkaline balance and understanding.

And then a course to help with good digestion:

Healthy Lean BootCamp: Food Combining & Alkaline Balance for Regeneration & Healthy Slimness

Here are some great recipes to start your health journey.

The first two were a big part of my life for a few years.

Perfect Vegetable Juice

Spring Cleanse Vegetable Juice Is So Healthy, Tasty and Easy to Digest – This alkalizing vegetable juice is full of vitamins and minerals in an assimilable form. This was the main part of my diet for years when I was unwell with Fibromyalgia as it was so easy to digest.

 Alkalizing Apple Green Smoothie is Tasty and Healthy  – This alkalizing apple green smoothie is so easy to make. It can be a very healthy breakfast or a tasty snack.  It is simple to make with all alkalizing foods.

Creamy Swiss Chard Soup with Almonds is Delicious – This delicious Swiss chard soup is hearty with the addition of potatoes and is very nutritious too. I love that it is so creamy without cow’s milk and crunchy almonds on top.

Delicious Power Spinach Salad with Avocado and Walnuts -This spinach salad is full of healthy greens that are one of the highest alkaline-forming foods and spinach is full of vitamins A, K, and D. This is a simple and tasty salad to make and is full of superfoods; everyone I have served it to enjoys it very much.

vital healt assessment

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12 thoughts on “My Fibromyalgia Story With Chronic Fatigue, Now Happy Dancing in Life”

  1. I really enjoyed this article, I have fibromyalgia, arthritis, diabetes and asthma. I have been in severe pain for several years and could not get any help from doctors. I am going to a chinese doctor who seems to be helping me. They say I am full of inflamation caused by allergies and sensstivity to several things. Do yo have any suggestions on how to get well. Would appreciate hearing from you at your convenience Thanks very much. PEGGY

  2. Wife has Fibromyalgia. For at least 25 years…So many Dr. Visits… Would like to try other methods.

  3. Martha Kurmann

    Diana, I can totally relate to your story as I also suffered the same as you for just as many years. Thanks God I got also a second chance on life and feel very healthy now with good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. I dance a lot and love it. Martha.

  4. Hey,Diana! Can you help me with the herbs too? Because I can’t stand the pain anymore and I really don’t know what to do.

  5. Alice Johnson

    Hi Diana,could i get a list of the Chinese Herbs.
    Foods to consume and avoid.
    I think Iv spent about 15k in 2 years with my post viral chronic fatigue although i am better than I was after 6 months basically bed bound with intense flu like symptoms,im still very ill,unable to work never mind travel,which I lived for.I keep trying new things currently 98 Alive but i still feel dreadful.Hoping you can help.You must be brimming from ear to ear to be well again.Your story gives me hope.x

  6. Evrill Gilzene

    Hi Diane I’m Evrill I’m interested into your Chinese diet please would love to speak to interested in knowing more how can I contacted you.thank

  7. Hi Diana I am very excited about your story. it is wonderful. I’m in fully of joy.
    Please I will like to know about the Chinse Herbal

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