Antioxidant Supplements: Good and Bad – Enjoy More Fruit & Vegetables

Antioxidant supplements are a miracle of the body. By protecting and repairing damage to the cells, they decrease disease and signs of aging. Theoretically, we can just pop a few ‘natural’ antioxidant pills and never have to worry about our destructive lifestyles or environment.

Unfortunately, research is showing that the process of protection and repair and aging is so complicated, that we don’t yet completely understand how to improve on this process with easy supplementation.

Antioxidant Supplements

The Good News About Antioxidant Supplements

  • All life forms have created systems to prevent the destructive effects of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are created during the process of turning food into energy or absorbed in the food we eat or the air we breathe.
  • Humans have a very powerful and complicated system to deal with free radicals, which has successfully made us one of the longest living animals on the planet.
  • Our body creates its own antioxidants, but we can also ingest them from plants.
  • Different parts of the body and different body processes require completely different antioxidants. The body takes care of this.
  • Plants can provide hundreds (and maybe thousands) of different kinds of antioxidants. Each one will have more or less of particular antioxidants our particular body needs. Blueberries, for example, will have different antioxidants than spinach.

The Bad News About Antioxidant Supplements

  • Most doctors do NOT advise antioxidant supplementation since the majority of research has NOT verified the promise of a longer life. From the Harvard School for Public Health: “While it’s true that the package of antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and other substances found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains helps prevent a variety of chronic diseases, it is unlikely that high doses of antioxidants can accomplish the same feat.”
  •  A major review of all evidence for the ‘antioxidant hypothesis’ mirrored these ideas. They concluded that the idea that antioxidant supplements can prevent chronic diseases has not been proved or even consistently supported by intervention trials. They suggest that further evidence is needed and until that time to increase the consumption of plant foods.
  • Some research has even shown that antioxidants DECREASE life expectancy! For example, a large trial on the effects of beta-carotene on lung cancer had to be stopped because there was a significant increase in lung cancer among participants taking the beta-carotene compared to those taking the placebo.

Are These Scary Conclusions About Antioxidant Supplements Fair?

If you talk to advocates in the natural health field they shout out ‘foul’ and ‘unfair’. They suggest that original studies done in this field were poorly done because they used very low-grade supplements in these trials such as synthetic vitamin E.

They also suggest that these studies can’t measure the quality of life accurately. People don’t take a supplement to last another year or two; they take supplements to feel better today.

They also suggest that there is much less money put into research of this kind because all the large profits are made in chemical pharmaceuticals instead.

Antioxidant Supplements

Our Use and Finding

At Real Food for Life, we emphasize that the best source of antioxidants is from whole real foods. No one is arguing against that, whether it is doctors, scientists, or natural health advocates.

What I see is that fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants which are alkaline forming.

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There could be a few reasons for you to look at Antioxidant Supplements

1. If you already are getting a good variety of whole foods into your diet and want to feel even healthier.
2. You are dealing with a particular health challenge that your research has found is positively helped with specific antioxidants.
3. You are under such stress environmentally or by lifestyle, that table foods are just not enough or workable.

Even if you meet this criterion, it’s still recommended that your supplementation be as close to whole foods as possible and less towards single isolated supplements. There are more and more whole foods supplements available.

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Antioxidant: Life-Saving Nutrient or Expensive Fad – Our bodies can create their own antioxidants, but we can also need to take in additional antioxidants from our food. We want to feed the protective forces with plenty of plant nutrients. This includes whole-plant foods and plenty of herbs and spices. The best sources for antioxidants can be found in the common food categories listed below.

My Focus:

At Real Food For Life, we focus on whole foods, carefully chosen spices, and food-grade herbs. When you stick to simple food principles, you consume all your antioxidants, plus you also end up helping your body for a number of other factors.

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1 thought on “Antioxidant Supplements: Good and Bad – Enjoy More Fruit & Vegetables”

  1. I have been taking turmeric in capsules as a supplement for quite some time. One hip joint has been replaced and now the other is not doing well, ie I am experiencing pain in that area. I started with the capsules as I didn’t feel that using turmeric on foods was giving me enough benefit. Now I am out of the country and have depleted my supply and am feeling pain again.
    One of my neighbours here swears by his practice of consuming Knox gelatin 2x a day for his knees which has helped him to avoid surgery. What do you think about this? Gelatin is derived from the bones of chickens, theoretically it is a natural food. I am curious.

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