17 Top Foods For A Spring Detox Are Powerful Superfoods

Do you know what the top foods for a spring detox are? When spring arrives our body is looking forward to a cleanse.  The mineral-rich vegetables arriving in the spring are very helpful for detoxing.  As we know: Nature does know best!

Learn about the seventeen best and favorite foods to easily include in your cleansing menu. See the recipes for the foods at the bottom of this page.
Top Foods Spring Detox

Best Foods for Any Deox are Usually

Top 10 Foods for a Spring Detox

These next 10 foods are the top 10 on my list for cleansing. There are more that follow to complete the list, but these first few are the best of the bunch.

top foods spring detox1. Asparagus helps cleanse the kidneys and reduces water retention.

  • It contains inulin which promotes the growth and activity of friendly bacteria in the intestines making it difficult for unfriendly bacteria to grow.
  • Food highest in glutathione, an important anti-carcinogen.
  • A serving has only 27 calories and is full of nutrients. With its high fiber content, and low glycemic index it is considered a smart carb.

2. Spinach is rich in Anti-Cancer and Anti-inflammatory antioxidants.

  • Good source omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Alkalizes the body.
  • One cup of fresh spinach (or 1/6 cup of cooked spinach) contains TWICE your daily vitamin K needs. This along with the calcium and magnesium in spinach is essential to maintain healthy bones.

3. Lemons are a powerful detoxing fruit, containing lots of vitamin C which helps convert toxins into a water-soluble form that’s easily flushed away.

  • Your liver is your largest cleansing organ, and loves lemons!
  • They are the most alkaline-forming food.
  • The main ingredient of Master Cleanse (Lemonade Diet).
  • Lemons are super important for a spring detox.

4. Radishes have a sulfurous mustard oil in them that stimulates the circulation system as well as the liver and kidneys to help with a detox.

  • Very good for the skin because of high sulfur, silicon and vitamin C content.
  • They are a good source of fibre.

5. Green Peas are an easy to digest vegetable and they eliminate efficiently.

  • Provide useful vegan protein to substitute for heavier proteins.
  • Rich in antioxidants including flavonoids, carotenoids, phenolic acids and polyphenols.
  • They are low fat, a cup of peas has less than 100 calories but lots of fiber and micro-nutrients.

dandelion leaves6. Dandelions are a powerful food that help detox the liver.

  • Their roots and leaves feed the liver and help assist cleansing.
  • Very stimulating for the digestive juices helps the digestion of fats.
  • They contain 48 substances that support your body to detox naturally.
  • Eat dandelion greens in the spring before they get too bitter in the summer.

7. Fresh coriander leaves have been clinically proven to remove mercury. This healing herb:

  • Lowers blood sugar.
  • Lowers bad cholesterol.
  • Improves eye health.

top foods spring detox8. Celery is a high fiber food that assists in colon cleansing and weight loss making it one of the top foods for a spring detox.

  • Active phthalides relax artery walls to reduce blood pressure.
  • It is a negative calorie food so you can eat lots and not get any calories.
  • It has been proven to protect liver cells from the damaging effects of alcohol and other toxins.
  • Also, it has anti-cancer compounds.

9. Nettles are a super detox food that strengthens the liver, adrenal glands, and kidneys.

  • Rich in minerals
  • Can ease seasonal allergy symptoms
  • The stinging parts are destroyed during cooking.
Green Tea
Green Tea: The Superfood That Rules the World

10. Green tea helps flush toxins out of the system with antioxidant catechins, which increase liver function.

  • It is full of polyphenols which produce extra heat in the body and burn calories so you can lose weight.
  • The International Journal of Obesity cites green tea as having polyphenols that produce extra heat in the body and burn calories. Weight loss experts and dieticians agree that this promotion of thermogenesis will help dieters lose pounds.

Next 7 Top Foods for a Spring Detox

While the ten foods listed above would be the top 10 ideal foods to include in your spring detox, these next seven should not go without mention.

Turmeric Health Benefits – The REAL Spice of Life

11. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant that increases anti-inflammatory enzymes in the liver supporting the cleansing process.

  • Turmeric powder has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
  • Improves Phase II liver detoxification. Reduced Phase II detoxification is associated with environmental sensitivities, fibromyalgia, and CFS.
  • It helps detoxify the blood.
  • The high content of vitamin C and sulfur removes toxins.
  • It helps keep blood pressure low because of its high potassium content by opening up blood vessels.

12. Sesame seeds are a good source of nutrients.

  • They are full of amino acids called methionine and tryptophan, which help the liver and kidneys to function and detox effectively.
  • Sesame seeds are full of high-quality protein making up 20 percent of the seed with 4.7 grams of protein per ounce.
  • Sesame seeds contain anti-cancer compounds including phytic acid, magnesium and phytosterols. Sesame seeds have the highest phytosterol content of all seeds and nuts.

13. Cabbage activates detoxifying enzymes in the liver. This makes it one of the top foods for a spring detox.

  • It helps detoxify the blood. The high content of vitamin C and sulfur in cabbage removes toxins (free radicals and uric acid); which are the main causes of arthritis, skin diseases, rheumatism, and gout.
  • It has well-known cancer preventative compounds (lupeol, sinigrin, and sulforaphane) known to stimulate enzyme activity and inhibit the growth of cancer tumors. A Study on women showed a reduction in breast cancer when cruciferous vegetables like cabbage were added to their diet.

14.  Citrus Fruits are high in vitamin C which is needed to make glutathione which feeds the liver. (liver is the largest cleansing organ in the body.

  • Citrus fruits help to reduce mucous in your body.
  • The high amounts of pectin in these fruits is good for cleansing.

The best citrus fruits are:

Health Benefits of Lemons, the Alkaline Superfood – Which we have said are one of the 10 best above.

Oranges are Full of Health Benefits for You

  • This fruit is rich in dietary fiber, pectin, which is very effective in persons with excess body weight.  We use them both in our Weight Loss BootCamp and our Spring Cleanse Bootcamp
  • Toxins are stored in fat cells. If you are toxic you cannot lose that last 10 pounds no matter how you starve your body since your body is protecting you from those toxins by keeping them in storage.

Grapefruit is Good for Weight Loss and Much More

  • It is full of pectin which binds to heavy metals, flushing them out in the digestive process. A study was performed with hospitalized children between the ages of 5 and 12 years who had high blood serum levels of lead. They were given three dosages of citrus pectin per day for 28 days. The scientists found that there was a dramatic decrease in blood serum levels of lead as a result.
  • Grapefruit contains glutathione, which helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals.

15. Artichokes are wonderful food on a spring detox, supporting the liver and the gallbladder.

  • They help detox harmful chemicals.
  • It lowers high blood pressure.
  • “One large artichoke contains only 25 calories, no fat, 170 milligrams of potassium, and is a good source of vitamin C, folate, magnesium and dietary fiber.” ~ California Artichoke Advisory Board

16. Garlic has many helpful reasons to be in the spring detox.

  • It is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and anti-cancer, garlic can clearly be named a superfood.
  • Garlic contains specific antioxidants and substances that play an important role in natural detoxification.
Pineapple is So Nutritious for Us

17. Pineapple is So Nutritious for Us and it helps cleanse and tone the pores in your lungs, which directly affect the elasticity of your lung sacs.

  • It contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps expel intestinal worms from your lung pores.
  • The enzyme bromelain in pineapple helps digest protein. It also helps with stomach upset and decreases the symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

Plus These are Good for a Spring Detox

  • Raw veggies are highly alkalizing and high in fiber, which helps cleanse the colon.
  • High sulfur vegetables (onions, carrots, artichoke, asparagus, kale, and beets) help the liver detoxify harmful chemicals.

Now you know the 17 best foods for a spring detox.

Add a selection of these top foods to your meals during your spring cleanse to feel better and get better results.

Want To Learn More About A Spring Detox?

Spring Cleanse

Watch a free one hour of video training, How To Detox With A Spring Cleanse, and learn more about how these foods fit into the overall plan for a successful cleansing program.

  • Learn the best time to detox.
  • Different kinds of detoxes.
  • Foods and activities essential for a detox.
  • Advanced detoxes.

6 Week Spring Cleanse Course

Or, if you’re eager, you can also get started immediately with my 6-week spring cleansing program. A 6-week online course with menus, recipes, and coaching based on my 2-5-30 eating program. It’s currently offered at a very discounted price.

Spring Cleanse Online Course

Top Foods Spring Detox

Here are some of my favorite recipes using these top foods for your spring detox:

Radish Quinoa Salad
Delicious Radish Arugula Quinoa Salad

 Asparagus with Lemon Juice – If you like asparagus then you will enjoy this asparagus with lemon juice recipe.  You will love how easy it is to make this healthy recipe that is a delicious addition to any meal.

 Spinach Salad with Oranges and Pecans – This spinach salad is a sneaky way to get that superfood into your diet. Also, all the ingredients are very healthy. It is easy to make and very tasty; everyone I have served it everyone loves it.

 Lemon Water– AKA Sugar-Free Lemon-Aid – Drinking lemon water is great for the whole body. Did you know that the most alkaline-forming food you can eat is a lemon? Here is a simple way

 Delicious Radish Quinoa Salad with Arugula – This colorful radish quinoa salad is a yummy and nourishing salad for any season. It is full of good protein from the quinoa. It is a whole meal in one bowl. How easy is that for dishwashing!

 Light Lemon Olive Oil Salad Dressing – This light lemon olive oil salad dressing is a base recipe. What makes this light is the addition of water which also makes it more alkalizing and lower in calories. Also, it is sugar-free making this is a very healthy salad dressing for your spring detox.

Green Pea Soup
Easy Peasy Green Pea Soup Is Especially Delicious

 Easy Peasy Green Peas Soup is Especially Delicious – This green pea soup really is yummy and it is a super easy soup to make. Hearing me say that frozen peas taste good is amazing; as I don’t even like to eat frozen peas. But this creamy green pea soup is really delicious and within a week I had it twice!

 Dandelion  Tea is Tasty and So Good For You – You can easily make a dandelion tea with dried leaves from the plants which are full of nutrition.

Cabbage Walnut Salad – This cabbage walnut salad is so filling and delicious. Also, it is high in nutrients with a variety of vegetables and nuts in it which makes it very good for you too. The walnuts, pine nuts, and sesame seeds add a good vegan protein to it.

 Healthy Homemade Grapefruit Juice – Store-bought grapefruit juice with sugar and added preservatives is not healthy. Also, it has usually been brought to a high temperature to preserve it, which reduces its nutritional value. The best way to have a healthy glass of grapefruit juice full of health benefits is to make it yourself. You do not need a juicer. In fact, using a blender is better because a juicer removes the pulp, which is full of nutrients.

 Pineapple, Banana Turmeric Smoothie – This is a delicious smoothie that is extra healthy with the turmeric and chia seeds for you. A great breakfast!

 Creamy Tahini Dressing:  Easy, delicious, and creamy.  I love this tahini salad dressing recipe for its simplicity but mostly because it gives me a creamy dressing that is vegan.  Most creamy dressings contain milk products which for many individuals is hard to digest and contributes to weight gain. The other great thing about this dressing is that it full of very good protein.

 Vegan Curry Recipe That is Delicious and Easy to Make – This vegan curry recipe is delicious and so easy to make! It is full of nutritious nutritious superfood vegetables and spices that your body loves. Also, if you are like me and don’t like hot spicy food, you can make this curry without it being hot.

vital healt assessment

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3 thoughts on “17 Top Foods For A Spring Detox Are Powerful Superfoods”

  1. I use turmeric for lot of purposes, its anti septic and medicinal properties help cure many problems, thanks for the informative article,i found some more foods.

  2. When I was in the Philippines, for half a year, I lived there with astonishment. I was amazed seeing the backyard of my Granny full of spinach or known as “alugbati”. I am so glad that our Grandma lives a healthy lifestyle and it reflects to her condition now. Accordingly, cancer is the 2nd common cause of death in the State. I wish that people will live like her to avoid cancer by eating spinach due to its anti-cancer and anti-inflammation properties. I was also mesmerized when she ate garlic clove because of its potent health benefits. She remained living in traditional era which is great by the way. Recently, I have sent her garlic supplements to prohibit from having a bad breath because it is burpless.

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