Asparagus: Too Good To Reject; Too Expensive to Forget

asparagus benefits

  9  Reasons I Like Asparagus, 2 Reasons I don’t, and 5 Tasty Recipes

If you were to watch me pausing in front of the asparagus bin, you might wonder if something is wrong. The hopeful but torn expression on my face would be more suitable for one picking out an engagement ring for their beloved, rather than a simple vegetable choice.

This is what is passing through my mind:

  • Wow, asparagus!  It tastes so delicious!
  • Double wow!  Look at the price!  Even on sale, it’s twice any other vegetable!
  • Hey! The last time I bought asparagus, half of it went bad!
  • Hmmm. But asparagus is so good. There is nothing so delicate and unique as freshly steamed asparagus!
  • Maybe I can keep it fresh and use it right away?
  • Yes!  I will try again! After all, it IS good for you!

That last idea was me rationalizing my purchase with the health benefits of this unique plant.

 9 Health Benefits:

1. Traditional Aphrodisiac.

Many cultures traditionally consider asparagus to be a natural aphrodisiac. Although there is not a lot of research to back this up, it’s close ‘cousin’ Shatavari (also part of the asparagus family)  is called “she who possesses 100 husbands” for good reason.  Satavari is also known within the Ayurvedic health system to feed both male and female reproductive tissues and has been used to treat PMS and menopause symptoms for centuries.

2. Weight Loss

A serving of asparagus has only 27 calories. With its high fiber content, and low glycemic index it is considered a smart carb. Too bad they haven’t invented asparagus chips or snacks. It would be so much better than junk food or fries.

3. Prevents Cancer.

Asparagus is the food highest in glutathione, an important anti-carcinogen according to the National Cancer Institute.  Glutathione is the most potent anti-oxidant available.
Glutathione also makes asparagus a great cleanser for the body! We use it in our Spring Cleanse.

4. Feeds Friendly Bacteria

Asparagus contains a unique carbohydrate called inulin. Inunlin promotes the growth and activity of these friendly bacteria in the intestines making it difficult for unfriendly bacteria to grow.

5.  Helpful for Conception and Healthy Pregnancy

Asparagus is a great source of Folic Acid (B9, Vitamin M) The only better plant source is leafy greens.
For example, it helps in the prevention of neural tube defects that cause paralysis and death in 2,500 babies each year.

6.  Prevents Hangover

Amino acids and minerals in asparagus extract may ease hangovers and protect liver cells against the toxins in alcohol.

7.  Natural Diuretic

Asparagus is a good source of the amino acid asparagine, which serves as a natural diuretic This increased urination releases fluid and helps rid the body of excess salts.

8. Naturally Organic

Because asparagus grows so quickly the need to pesticides and other chemical is reduced.  It is on the Environmental Working Group’s Clean 15 list of fruits and vegetables with the lowest occurrence of pesticides.  Of course, you can still eat organic for that little bit extra of nutrition and buy organic to support the cause.

9.  Alkalizes the Body

Like almost all vegetables, asparagus helps to balance out, what for most individuals is an overly acidic diet. Being more alkaline creates greater energy, beautiful skin, and a stronger immune system and less degenerative diseases.

For detailed nutritional composition click here: Asparagus Calories and Nutrition

Buy It Fresh and Use It Right Away!

Asparagus goes bad very quickly. Suddenly, it seems, those delicate tips grow soft and smelly!  I have heard that if you soak the stems in water, they will keep a little longer but I can’t say for sure about this. I know if you eat it right away you won’t have regrets.

I’m writing this in Canada where late May to the end of June is the time for best local asparagus. Of course in the grocery store it is more widely available.

For maximum nutrition – stick with the green asparagus.

White asparagus is created by covering the plants with soil so the light doesn’t reach the growing shoots. This reduces the overall nutrition, raises the price, and although you may think I’m overreacting, strikes me as a kind of mean to the plants.
There is purple asparagus, which is also nutritious, but because it is so rare, would be expensive if you didn’t grow it yourself.

5 Great Recipes: 

 Asparagus With Lemon Juice:  A classic favorite.  It doesn’t get any better than this!

Cream of Asparagus Soup This delicate delight is dairy free and gluten free.  It also is NOT heavy.

Baked Asparagus   If you have a bit more time, this has an extra heavenly taste.

White Bean and Asparagus Stew  This contains three powerfoods, asparagus, seaweed, and Stevia.

Asparagus Tomato Salad   Just try it.  You will love it!

vital healt assessment

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5 thoughts on “Asparagus: Too Good To Reject; Too Expensive to Forget”

  1. Martha Kurmann

    Our asparagus in the garden are growing real fast with heat and moisture. We love eating them almost every day. And they make us feel good.

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