How to Use Stevia and The Best One

The stevia plant is incredibly sweet and also incredibly good for you.  The leaf is 30 times sweeter than sugar while extracts are 300-400 times sweeter.

Benefits of Stevia

  • Weight management: Stevia rebaudiana contains no sugars, calories or carbohydrates.
  • Cravings: The ‘honey leaf’s ‘ sweet taste lasts longer than sugars.
  • Diabetes and Hypoglycemia: the ‘sweet leaf’ does not create an insulin response and actually nourishes the pancreas which helps regulate blood sugar.
  • Cardiovascular: ‘Sweetleaf’ lowers blood pressure.
  • Fights Cavities: The ‘sweet herb’  is antibacterial and its sugar-like compounds do not feed oral bacteria.
  • Skin Care: When used topically in liquid form helps smooth out wrinkles. Antibacterial properties also help with acne.
  • Good Digestion: The ‘candy leaf’ taken with meals as a tea improves digestion and soothes stomach upset.
  • Fights Yeast Infections: ‘Sweet Chrysanthemum’ does not feed candida or other yeast and it fights is slightly antibacterial and anti-fungal.

An easy way to think about Stevia is that it is the exact opposite of white sugar.

stevia vs white sugarWhich would you choose?

The Politics:

  • For centuries the native peoples of South America have used this common plant with no side effects.
  • Japan has been using stevia and stevia extracts as a sugar substitute since 1971 with no known problems. Japan even uses it in its soft drinks.
  • Somehow in many parts of the world – stevia has been banned or restricted even though comprehensive research reviews by the World Health Organization and other scientific organizations has shown no safety concerns when it is taken in normal amounts.   (Any food particularly if extracted can be taken too much.)
  • For example, stevia was banned as a sweetener in the US but allowed as a ‘dietary supplement’.
  • Because the stevia plant itself cannot be patented and easily profited upon, it challenges the established sugar and artificial sweetener industry.  The extracts can be patented. Companies like Coka-Cola have developed their own derivatives which have been approved by the FDA since 2008.


The quality and benefits will be dependent on two factors:

  1. A variety of stevia plants is used.  In the same way, there are hundreds of varieties of apples in the world – all with different tastes and slightly different nutritional properties that grow in different climates – and there are also different varieties of stevia. The best is currently thought to come from South America where it originated.
  2. Processing.  At Real Food for Life, we emphasize REAL FOOD – whole food because this is what our bodies have evolved to consume.  The more highly processed a food becomes and the farther you get away from the whole food – the less the health benefits and greater the risks. (see Why We Eat Vitamins- Why We May be Wrong)
Highly processed stevia

Some stevia extracts are so isolated that they have a bitter taste and so other artificial sweeteners have to be added. 

Some commercial stevias have been extracted solely with alcohol solvents. (usually the white powder form) This alcohol solvent leaves the sweet taste but can take away some of the health benefits. Some studies have shown negative effects from stevia.  They are usually using improperly processed forms.

Highly processed “stevia” such as Truvia is not real stevia by the time it goes through refining.  Chemical solvents are added during the refining process which includes acetonitrile, found to be toxic to the liver and is a carcinogen.

How to Use and Buy Stevia

It is available in many forms: 

stevia by Gabriiela Ruellan at flickr

  1. The Fresh Leaves is in its most natural, unrefined state. A leaf from a stevia plant chewed is very sweet and can be used in tea but is not suitable for cooking.
  2. Dried Leaves are much sweeter than fresh ones that come in bulk packages. It also comes as a fine green powder.
  3. Stevia Extract in the form of a white powder. It usually has a bitter chemical aftertaste due to being highly processed making it acid-forming and in our opinion, not a real food.
  4. Liquid Stevia is made from white powdered stevia mixed with water which is not any better than the white powder.
  5. Liquid Stevia directly extracted from the leaves with acidic alcohol is not something we want to be adding to our food even in small quantities.
  6. The liquid Stevia directly extracted from the leaves with water is the best for cooking.

The best stevia will, therefore, be the one that retains some whole food value and is water-based.  Liquid forms will be less processed.

Our choice – stevia without the bitterness

  • We have tried dozens of varieties and have our favourite.
  • It has no bitter aftertaste. One darker form has a sweet licorice taste – the other has a fruity taste.
  • It is one of the more expensive brands but is completely safe and has the highest health benefits.
  • It is in a whole food form and is concentrated with water and no preservatives.
  • It is formulated with chrysanthemum flower which enhances its antibacterial antifungal properties.
  • It is only available online.  Go here to learn How to Get the Best Stevia Without the Bitterness
  • Or you can go to my site to purchase the best stevia called Sunny Dew.

How to use stevia in cooking:

You can’t replace sugar or honey on a cup-for-cup basis with stevia — the herb is much sweeter.

1 cup sugar = 1 teaspoon of liquid stevia
1 tablespoon of sugar = 6 – 9 drops liquid stevia
1 teaspoon sugar = 2 – 4 drops of liquid stevia

These are just rough guidelines as you have to take into consideration the fact that there is bulk also being eliminated. If you are new to using stevia, I recommend that you try some of my recipes first.

Recipes With Stevia:  

Delicious Gluten-Free Hermit Cookies

Hermit Cookies  These are wonderfully sweet and gluten-free and vegan too.

Gingerbread Cake:   This is delicious and unlike many desserts is very balancing to your health.

Home Made Salad Dressings– when you buy a salad dressing or see a recipe for one, it will usually have some sugar in it. I just put in a few drops of my favourite stevia.

Lemon Water:  AKA Sugar-free lemonade] When lemonade is made it is almost always made with white sugar. I love the way stevia sweetens it with no added calories and nourishes your pancreas.

56 thoughts on “How to Use Stevia and The Best One”

      1. Tonnya Sullivan

        Could you also email me where to get the best stevia, ivejustbeen diagnosed with fatty liver disease, my email is

  1. I would love to know where to buy the proper stevia. I have been using the white powder form from the whole food store. I didn’t realize there was a difference. Thanks for the information.

  2. I’d like to get some of your “favorite stevia”. Do you mind sending me the website? Thanks!

  3. Renee nwamaka Ikpelue

    Hi. I woukd likr to know where I can buy liquid stevia. Could u send me the website address? And a couple of shops in Arizona that stock it? Thamks

  4. Hi Diana…I sure would like to know where I can get the good liquid stevia. Thank you so much.:)

  5. jerris riordan

    Hi Diana,

    I have been following your website for some time now. I have a terrible sweet tooth
    and have been using Splenda for years in my coffee. I have tried Stevia and find it
    bitter tasting. I’ve just read the above article and still am unclear as to which whole
    food stevia would be best for coffee. Pls advise. jerris

  6. Shirley Feather

    Could you please let me know where to get the SunnyDew brand? Thanks so much for all the information on alkaline foods for the body.

  7. Hi Diane, please email me the information on getting the sunnyDew brand of stevia. Thank you for all the wonderful tips and information.

  8. Hi Diana,
    I would appreciate the website that you get your “favourite stavia” from. I am a 100% sugar addict.

  9. Hi Diana, please add me to the list. I would like to know where to buy Stevia also. Thanks.

    I see it in several stores, however, it is good to know that there is only one place to buy the best and most nutritious brand.

    Thank you for sharing,

  10. catherine abadilla

    Hello. I am planning to use stevia in my processed fruit juice as i am recommending it for diabetics. Please inform me of the best form of stevia to use so the taste of the juice would not be affected. At present i am using minimal amount of brown sugar to sweeten the juice. Thanks


  11. Betty Morgan

    I, too, would like to know how I can purchase the best stevia online as stated in your recipe for sugar free lemonade. I am a diabetic, & this would be very helpful to me.

  12. Hi — I’d love to know where I can get stevia online. Also, if you know where I could buy organic dried stevia leaf, I’d love to know that too!
    Thanks for the info–

  13. Victoria Knaster

    Please let me know how I can purchase the high quality stevia liquid you refer to in this article.

    Thank you so much,

  14. Hi Dianne. I too am interested in the stevia and would appreciate an email with the relevant info.



  15. Thanks for this article. I would like the information on where you purchase your online Stevia.

    1. Apologies for my delay Betty. I have been way too busy and believe it or not this I volunteer all my many hours on this site well almost. One year I made a dollar an hour. I will send you an email shortly.

  16. My previous email is posted above from months ago, but I have still had no reply as to where I can order the best Stevia online. Do you actually plan to answer such questions or is this just a “come on”?

  17. Please email instructions for getting your favorite stevia online. Finding the right one has always been a challenge.

  18. betsy cousins-coleman

    Please send me where I can buy the liquid stevia online. I’ve been using the powder, and I like the flavor, but if I can buy the liquid and it’s healthier, I’m in!


  19. Danielle Prieto

    I am interested in purchasing on line the stevia you recommend. Please let me know where.
    Thank you

  20. I would like to know where to purchase online as being a diabetic I am always after good substitute for sugar.

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