Orange Spring Cleanse Green Smoothie

This is a super easy smoothie to make an excellent way to start a spring cleanse day.

Orange Green Smoothie


2 oranges, peeled and chopped into pieces
3 cups spinach or 2 cups kale*
1/3 – 1/2 cup clean water
1 Tbsp golden flax meal

*Black kale or Dinosaur kale


  1. Put 1 1/2 oranges and greens in your blender.
  2. Cover all ingredients with clean water.
  3. Blend till smooth; use the liquefy button on the blender.
  4. Mix in flax meal and 1/2 chopped orange.
  5. Eat your smoothie.

Optional:  mix in 1 pkg of NuPlus.
*Dinosaur Kale (Lacinato Kale)

Why I Use This in My Spring Cleanse.

Oranges are low in calories, contain no saturated fats, and rich in dietary fiber and pectin. Pectin acts as a laxative decreasing the time of toxic substances in the colon bind to heavy, and reduces hunger cravings.

Flax Seed is high soluble and insoluble fiber as well as being full of omega 3 and many other nutrients.


vital healt assessment

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