Thrive Movement Review

The Thrive video has 1.5 million hits and there probably is a thrive group starting up in your city right now.

 You can watch the video here and I have included my impressions after.

What the He…ck is this?

First I should say that I totally support what the Foster and Kimberly Gamble are trying to do and I accept some of the facts that are presented.

When I first started watching the movie I was sort of skipping though and my first impression was what an incredibly expensive production of a subject that many people try to present but don’t have the expertise or backing. This made me suspicious of what they were selling!

I could not help but initially compare it to “The Secret” .  Millions of people loved this movie for the positive benefits to their lives but many  people saw it more as an an example of brilliant marketing.

What I liked:

I then started at the beginning and find out it is one of the inheritors of the “Proctor and Gamble” fortune who is risking his money and credibility on exposing the massive control on our food, on our health care, our energy, on our money and our education which  are presenting us from thriving. 

I like that he is trying to create grass roots action groups throughout the world who can focus on creating alternatives on any or all of these areas.

What I didn’t like:

What I didn’t like was how soon he got into the ET’s and flying saucers.   I understand that these are connected to his inspiration of the torus structure as a possible area of alternative energy but he does not give any SCIENCE behind the torus shape other than its visual appearance and it being used in a number of early technology situations and in UFO accounts.

He then gets every one of the people he interviews to mime the torus shape and somehow blend it into their explanation but sometimes it is a stretch of the imagination. 

Many of his ‘experts’ were also very dubious.  A major contributor was David Icke who is famous among the conspiracy crowd but the rest of the world thinks he is well….crazy.

All that being said.  “Sign me up”..  I want to help the earth thrive and I think this will at least create some awareness of the situation.

You can see more of what he is proposing at   

Please leave comments what YOU thought of this movie and movement! 

vital healt assessment

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1 thought on “Thrive Movement Review”

  1. Hi Diana,

    Wonderful contribution you are making into health consciousness! Thank you for that!

    I just watched the movie Thrive for the second time myself.

    Why do you say you didn’t like the talk on ET life and potential hints?

    What kind of science do you expect as for the TORUS? Are you willing to go deeper into it yourself?
    I would imagine there is a lot of information to go deeper if we want.
    To me, it seemed people with quite some understanding of their subjects expressed themselves within the short period of time they had.
    It seems that from so many angles we look into it, the same revelations are made. The strength of the movie is to reveal all those different facets. That’s one of the purposes of the movie. Delving deep within one facet has already been done to varying degrees and is on for more in the future.

    Given the scope of the movie, it’s impossible to go deep into each and every little detail. To the extent we want to inform ourselves, it’s our own responsibility to take steps towards more profound understanding.

    You mention David Icke being thought to be crazy by many.. How else can it be? Many people are even skeptical about healthy food recommendations, thinking the harmful effects of some foods are exaggerated and it’s “crazy” when giving it much consideration.

    It will sound cliché but it’s not less true for it: many of the craziest ideas turned out to be the most transformative and truer ones..

    So no need to dislike someone for their craziness.
    Also no need to dislike marketing. I understand we have a tendency to dislike it because it has promoted so many harmful substances and unnecessary products. But marketing itself is not bad, it’s more about how and what we use it for.
    The more brilliant and purposeful the idea, the more important marketing becomes to make it accessible to a larger audience.

    You have great marketing too for a wonderful project, btw 😉


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