Healthy Weekend BootCamps

health bootcampBootCamps Give Your Health Journey of Huge Boost

You have probably been exposed to lots of good information.
Why don’t we apply it?

1. Information seems  too complicated.
2.  We are not sure who we can trust.
3.  We are too busy to focus and can’t wait for results.
4.  Our culture and  friends  do not support change.

Real Food For Life BootCamps Provide

  1. Information from a trusted source.
  2. Focus to gain skills from the comfort of your home.
  3. Support to gain confidence.
  4. Enough results so you will be inspired to continue.

We won’t be shouting in your ear to ‘work harder’ but the conference calls and group feedback will still keep your going!

The Healthy BootCamps will consist of:

  • ‘Getting Started’ conference call of one hour.
  • Two 1/2  hour conference calls over the weekend that will focus every0ne as a group on a particular approach or area of health.
  • For the weekend you will be following the specific food guidelines and recipes for the BootCamp.

For example in July and August, watermelons are in season so we did a Watermelon Cleanse BootCamp Weekend.  Watermelons are cleansing and alkaline and a perfect way to balance your body over a short period of time IF you do it right! .

What will happen:

  • You will receive a shopping list before each weekend.
  • You will only be committing to about 2 hours of calls.
  • If you missed the conference due to scheduling you will be able to listen to the recording.
  • The group and your commitment will keep you ACCOUNTABLE!

Upcoming Healthy BootCamp Weekends:

  1. January 18 – 20:  Healthy Weight loss BootCamp:  Strengthen, Balance, and Slim Your Body with Acid/alkaline and Food Combining Principles

Finished BootCamps that You Can Complete On Your Own Schedule:

Food Combining and Alkaline Balance Bootcamp     to Lose Weight and Regenerate

Alkalize Your Body BootCamp   Change your life in just two days by shifting your body into balance.

Extra weekend BootCamps:

  • The Healthy Chocolate Project

Watch for upcoming dates of these BootCamps in November, February and March.

Next year there will be more BootCamps:

  • Grains – knowing what and how to prepare.
  • Food Combining to lose weight and better nourishment
  • Spring Cleanse
  • Getting Those Greens into You
  • Dandelion Cleanse – Celebrating Dandelions
  • Back to Roots for deep nourishment

Special Discount Pricing:

Normally a boot camp could cost $120.00 -$180.00

Regular Price: $59.00 $39.00 for single Weekend:

Make a long term plan to focus on your health.

Subscribe to a boot camp every month. You can cancel at any time.

Only $29.00 / month.

Enjoy even more savings by paying for 6 months in advance.

Single Payment only $120.00 for half a year!

vital healt assessment

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6 thoughts on “Healthy Weekend BootCamps”

  1. Michelle Babian

    Your bootcamps could be the great support I need. I’ve tried organizing my own support group but people with struggles aren’t willing to commit out front. I want to loose 25 lbs. I perfect weight 4 years ago, but also worked out morning and night for 50 minutes. I gave up consciousness of eating right and exercising while personally delving into my professional status. Two years later I’m just recovering from it all. I don’t want to give up organic yogurt or decaf coffee, I don’t digest any grains / complex carbohydrates or nuts. My body responds to them like sugar rush an then craving sets in. I need support to follow what seems to work for me. I take probiotic and protein powders, eat fruits and vegetables. Limit my olive oil, love avocado. I care most for melons and berries, and apples. I own a juicer. I take supplements and vitamins. I need a wider variety of exercise. I walk, run and stretch, but want to ad biking and zumba. I need, I said need support during the evenings. I alternate between daytime and evening food needs: I don’t like much food during the day juicer with probiotic and protein drink, then get hungry at night when I consume large salad and yogurt, sometimes, salmon and eggs. I don’t like chicken but food combining to get enough protein requires grains as far as I know and this makes me feel sluggish.

  2. June Benaschak

    Hi – I really appreciate what you both are doing for better awareness to a healthy body. I do need help with food combining and when to do what. I like to have a schedule or plan for each day and have been following one for some time now but, maybe I need to change some things. I saw a deal on signing up for all 6 bootcamps plus your 2 books but couldn’t find it before I paid for the next session. Could you please let me know about this and give me the amount I would owe minus the $19.00 I paid for the next session.
    When I went to pay for this past weekend the Watermelon one came up which I didn’t do.
    Maybe I just clicked on the wrong one instead of the “Alkalize Your Body” anyway I paid it even though it said “Watermelon”. Hope this isn’t too confusing.
    I had some stomache issues to-day so not sure what that was all about maybe not eating enough. Diana, I think I need some coaching but, how do I manage it from here. I’m coming to Edmonton on Sept. 28th to Oct. 5th or 7th (not sure) but, wouldn’t beable to do much then. Thanks again Randy & Diana.

  3. Carol A Gosselink

    I understood I needed to give permission for you to send me stuff. Is this where I indicate this?

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