The Joy of Farmer’s Markets

We, our earth and the farmers benefit by us shopping at farmer’s markets.  There are farmer’s markets throughout the whole world. I fully support my local Farmers Market and during these many years have made casual friends with many of them.

In the summer almost all of my organic food is from Real Food From My Garden and my local farmer’s market.  It is important to ask the farmers if what they are selling is organic because they do not all grow organically.  I do not need the food to be certified but I need to know and trust that when the farmer tells me they grow it organically that it true. One of my favorite stalls to buy from is from a German farmer and he would not dream of putting chemicals on the food he grows.

farmers markets

This is a beautiful compilation:  World’s Largest Farmers Markets (PHOTOS)

Follow these links to find the farmer’s market in your area:

Farmers Markets Canada

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Farmers Markets In The UK

Farmers’ Market in Germany – YouTube

Farmer’s Markets Germany | Qype Reviews

Welcome | Australian Farmers’ Markets Association 

Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino: Local Rome Markets 

I am sure there are many more. If you know of another link to a part of the world not here please post it below and I will add it to the list above.

Click here to learn more about the 12 Foods You MUST Eat Organic

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