7 Simple Steps To Succeed in Your 2010 Health Goals

Its never too late to do the right thing!

Wow!!! It actually is 2010.  Can you remember when 2010 seemed so far away?  Now it’s almost mid January.  Were you part of the 40-45% of the population that made resolutions in the first few days?  They probably included goals like eating better, exercising more, and losing weight.

jump fitness
Setting goals like this increases the chances you will actually make it to 2011 in better shape than today. Obviously you want to succeed but how can you make sure you will succeed?  How can you not break the resolutions? How to not give up?

These are valid questions because 97% of resolutions are never fulfilled.  Early failure rates varies from 30% in the first week to 25% in the first month (depending on which study you are referencing) The good news is that if you are still on target right now you are way ahead of the game and even if you already stopped or never started – you can still start today.  Here’s 4 mistakes that cause people to fail and 7 suggestions how to succeed.

Mistake No. 1.   Magic Bullet thinking Everyone of course wants to have more energy and look better but just having that desire or writing it down doesn’t magically make it happen. It requires skill and daily perseverance. You have to have a PLAN to make it work on a daily basis. 
Mistake No. 2.  Absolute or “all-or-nothing” thinking. People congratulate themselves for being “good” when they're eating well and exercising regularly. But then, the slightest slip can seem like a failure so they feel bad about themselves and the process and give up.  Better to have smaller incremental goals and a plan that acknowledges there will be mistakes made.

Mistake No 3.  Unrealistic expectations 
People commit to making too many big changes at once, something that's incredibly hard to do considering habits seem to be hardwired in our brain. It is easier to make smaller changes but oddly enough Studies have shown that it’s best to change multiple behavior patterns at the same time rather sequentially. This is because each little action that you take reminds and reinforces the other actions.

Mistakes No 4.  Not having a support system. Thinking that you will succeed just by your own dominating force of will has been shown to increase failure. It’s SO much easier when you are being reminded and encouraged by others. This could be as simple as subscribing to this newsletter or joining a group specifically set up to achieve goals (like our 5 week Radiant Energy and Healthy Slimness Course). Sometimes too you need someone that you can relate your troubles to. You can even contact us on this too.  We have certainly been in that situation before and are glad to help.

7 Super Simple Tips to Keep You On a Healthy Track

1. Keep a food diary

Journal writingDo you have a pen and some paper? Can you write?  It’s that simple.

This was the very first homework we asked participants to do on our Radiant Energy course. We were using it as a teaching tool but writing down what and how much you eat provides awareness, focus and motivation. It clarifies what foods are in your diet and what's missing. You can’t change or improve what you are NOT aware of. One or two weeks is enough.

2 Increase your vegetables (just little more every day)
Do you want to lose 5 pounds?  Eat more vegetables! Do you want to lose 20 pounds?  Eat even more vegetables.  If you want to lose 50 pounds … you get the idea. There is nothing more simple than eating MORE vegetables to lose weight, cleanse and alkalize and balance your systems. Starting off your day with a green smoothie is a fast delicious way to get leafy greens in your system.  Then with a one or two salads and few serving of cooked vegetables you are all set.

beans3.  Have vegetarian dinners lunches once a day.  Find some bean and tofu recipes that you will enjoy and are easy to prepare. There are some on this site. You will be increasing fibre and reducing saturated fat when you eat less meat.
Here are a few tips that will help:
•    Replace meat with beans or tofu in a meat recipe. Serve tacos with black beans instead of ground meat. Serve vegetarian chili or vege burgers for dinner. Add cubes of firm tofu in stir fries.
•    Make a large batch of minestrone, split pea or lentil soup to have for lunch the next day or freeze it in serving containers for during the weeks to come.

4. Have fruit washed and available.
An apple or a banana is so healthier for you than a bar or a muffin. You know that but you won’t eat it if the bar is easier to get at or you are at work and there is nothing else. Think ahead- it shows you have one!

5. Drink more water
Water is an essential part of a healthy diet. It helps flush waste products from the body, keeps us hydrated and can stave off hunger. Women on average need 2.2 litres (9 cups) a day and men require 3 litres (12 cups). While all beverages count (except alcoholic beverages), choose plain water over sugary drinks, fruit juice and diet soft drinks.
Train your body to drink more water. Drink one glass first thing in the morning, before you brush your teeth. Keep a glass of water next to you when you're at your desk. Drink from it regularly as you're working. Resolve to drink one more cup of water today than you did

6.  Listen to your body

food anticipation
Your body knows itself better than your brain does. Being aware of its messages can help prevent you from consuming too many calories or the wrong foods. Before your meal ask yourself what foods are you attracted to and what tastes. During the meal keep checking in to see if you are still hungry.  Your goal is to stop eating when you no longer feel hungry – you should feel satisfied, not full. A traditional saying is "one third food, one third liquid, and one third empty".  You will digest much better this way and thus be thinner and healthier. Many small meals a day is better than overeating once or twice.

7.  Reward Yourself
 If you don’t reward yourself in some way till you are completely finished your goal – you might not get there. Remember this is a process and you need to enjoy the path too. If its all just struggle maybe you need help in adjusting your plan.  The health systems that have been successful for thousands of years suggest  you should NOT deprive yourself completely– it only causes stress which is bad for your health.   If you find you're starting to slip back into old habits, pull out that food diary to refocus your efforts.  

What are Your Health Goals for 2010?  Feel free to share below.

Feel free to share this article with anyone you feel would benefit.

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2 thoughts on “7 Simple Steps To Succeed in Your 2010 Health Goals”

  1. I would add the scienfically proven supplement, Protandim, to any course after the age of 20.  It actually reduces oxidative stress , by 40-70%. 
    Appreciate all of the health tips, too!  I will share these with my 13 year old daughter.
    To your best health and prosperity this and in the coming years!

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