10 Super Sneaky Weight Loss Tips That are So Easy and Healthy!

Would you like to know about some sneaky weight loss tips? I know many would love to lose those few extra pounds. It can be easy and healthy too.

weight loss tips

The problem is that restricting what we are eating sounds difficult, and we aren’t sure we’ll be able to stick with it or even want to stick with it.

These weight loss tips are sneaky because you don’t have to restrict anything! You add foods or change the way you eat. Pick out one or two that work with your lifestyle and have fun!

10 Super Sneaky Weight Loss Tips

1. Eat a handful of raw, soaked nuts and seeds 20 minutes before meals.

  • Twenty minutes is the time it takes for your body to tell your brain that it has received nutrition.
  • Your brain then decides you do not need to eat so much more.
  • Nuts contain protein and good slimming fats.

2. Eating half a grapefruit before each meal is a sneaky weight loss tip.

  • Remember the trendy 80’s diet involving gorging on grapefruit to lose lots of weight? It was highly restrictive.
  • But, you can lose up to a pound a week by eating half a grapefruit before sensible meals!
  • Or eat whatever you usually do and lose 3.6 pounds in 12 weeks. (Research at the Nutrition and Medical Research Centre at Scripps Clinic)
weight loss tips
Smelling can be as filling as eating.

3. Smelling food can trick your brain into thinking you’ve eaten.

  • A study found those who inhaled peppermint scent every 2 hours ate 2,700 calories LESS per week than normal.
  • That’s a fat loss of more than half a pound a week!

4. Brush your teeth is an interesting weight loss tip.

  • When you want to indulge in something not healthy, try brushing your teeth with mint-flavored toothpaste.
  • You typically won’t feel like eating when there is a minty flavor in your mouth and toothpaste makes most foods taste bad.
Eating and watching TV is a bad combination.

5. Do not eat while watching TV.

  • It increases your calories by 40 percent more than usual.

6. Spice up your food.

  • Adding hot spices to your meals can reduce hunger. (Study in the British Journal of Nutrition)
  • Capsaicin (found in chilies) triggers your brain to release feel-good endorphins. (Scientists at the State University of New York at Buffalo)
weight loss tips
Eating with chopsticks will slow down your eating.

7. Eat with chopsticks. For some of you, this will be a major way to lose weight because you will not be able to eat your food at all!

  • When eating with chopsticks, more attention is required in picking up food from the plate. The bite-size and portions are smaller.
  • It takes more time to help you slow down and enjoy.
  • May help you realize you’re full sooner and then you’ll wind up eating less!

8. Take 10 minutes to eat a treat.

  • This habit could reduce your cravings! It is a sneaky weight loss tip.
  • Take out one serving of your favorite treat.
  • Allow a minute to smell it, look at it, and think about it.
  • Now take one small bite, chewing slowly, focus on the texture and taste, and then swallow.
  • Before the next bite, ask yourself if you want more.
  • Repeat this sequence with your treat 20 times. This should take about 10 minutes.
  • “Many of our participants …. didn’t enjoy the treat as much as they thought they would, or they were content after just a couple of bites and were better able to stop eating when they were satisfied.” – Lesley Lutes, Ph.D., at the department of psychology at East Carolina University.
weight loss tips
Sleep – one of the easiest techniques for weight loss there is!

9. Get enough sleep and rest.

  • People gain weight when not getting enough sleep.
  • Even just a few nights of sleep deprivation can lead to immediate weight gain. (Research University of Pennsylvania)

10. Focus on Nutrients, Not Calorie Counting

  • Eat lots of whole foods and vegetables and make sure you have healthy meals and snacks with smart carbs, protein, and fat.
  • Filling up with high-nutrient foods will help you feel satisfied and stay full longer.

The Next Step:

If you are serious about addressing long-term health or weight problems — it is often necessary to change unbalanced eating and lifestyle habits.

This may sound like hard work but if you are exposed to even just one or two days a week of super healthy eating, your body naturally gravitates towards this. If, at the same time, you have mastered the skills needed to plan and prepare balanced meals, healthy eating becomes second nature and no effort is required.

That is what I teach in my one-month courses. You get shopping lists, recipes, training, and personal support for two days a week. Each week for one month you gain more skills confidence and well-being. My next course is focused on detoxing for weight loss and immune-strengthening for the fall and winter. Check out my Free Video Training on this topic.

Strawberry Crumble

3 Easy Weight Loss Recipe Links:

Light Lemon Olive Oil Salad Dressing: easy, fast and light.

Sugar-Free Deserts: You don’t have to deprive yourself.

Slimming Salads: Variety is best.]

vital healt assessment

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