Healthy Chocolate Project To Make Tasty Sweets For You

Enjoy Yourself Without Guilt
with the Healthy Chocolate Project
healthy chocolate

From Diana Herrington,
Head Chef, Real Food For Life

You may have heard that chocolate contains healthy anti-oxidants.
That sounds great! Who doesn’t like chocolate and who doesn’t want to be healthier?

Unfortunately, most people have already tried the chocolate bar regime or the chocolate ice cream experiment at some time in their life and the results were not good.

Mostly you end up gaining weight, exploding in pimples, and feeling bad about yourself.

What they don’t tell you about the health benefits of chocolate is that the studies and research were NOT done on chocolate bars or ice cream. They used straight cocoa. What you end up getting from the store though, is not just cocoa but a lot of unhealthy sugars and fats added. That is what causes the problems.

I have lived my whole life extremely sensitive to any unhealthy ingredients or foods. I was sick as a child and that carried over into my adult years. I have had to learn to eat and cook extremely healthy. Anything that is OK for me turns out to be very healthy for everyone else.

I have tried every possible chocolate product throughout my life and they all felt bad. The sugar, the fats, and the chemicals were just too much. I found a few pretty good ones but they were either exuberantly expensive or you had to order over a hundred dollars worth every month.

I, therefore, have had to learn to make my own chocolate treats with healthy ingredients. I can show you too.

The Healthy Chocolate Project

The Healthy Chocolate Project is Delicious

This is a four-week program where I teach you how to make your own delicious chocolate. Each week, you will get a new training module with video directions on how to create at least two totally unique healthy chocolate treats.

You will also receive precise shopping lists the week before so you will completely prepared plus nutritional training on each week’s foods.

You won’t just be one your own like a recipe book or YouTube video. The whole project will begin with an orienting live conference call (taped) and if you have any questions or problems you can contact me for help.

We call it a ‘project’ because there tends to be a lot of interaction in my classes. After you have started with the basics, you might try your own variations.

We invite you to share!

Module 1
Getting Started With Dark Chocolate

Chocolate IS Valentine’s Day! Let’s share healthy chocolate with our loved ones instead of chocolate filled with immune destroying white sugar and chemicals. There is nothing worse than feeling down or toxic after a special occasion. These are my two most tasty recipes and also easy to make.

They include the Cherry/Pecan Dark Chocolates, and my dairy-free Cranberry Milk Chocolate Truffles.

Maple Syrup
Cherry pecan dark chocolate
  • Training on the best healthy sugars.
  • Video showing how to make it.
  • Easily printable shopping list and instructions.
  • Access in case you have any questions.

After this weekend you will not only have chocolate treats to give away for Valentine’s day, but you will now know how to make healthy chocolate treats by yourself for the rest of your life.

“I really enjoyed sampling your chocolate treats. I’m a confessed ‘chocoholic’… I’ve been trying to cut down, but it’s been very difficult. I’ve also tried all sorts of varieties of so-called healthy chocolate, but keep going back to the stuff that’s not very good for me.” ~ Marie Quilley Sherwood Park

Module 2
The Only Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie On the Planet

Healthy Chocolate
Gluten-free, Grain-free Chocolate Chip Cookies

All chocolate chips, even from the health food store are full of unhealthy refined sugars. When I discovered this I had to stop making chocolate chip cookies until I came up with my own solution. Store cookies are also usually made with wheat and other gluten flours, and other unhealthy ingredients.

You will learn how to make Dark Chocolate Chips, gluten-free and grain-free Chocolate Chip Cookies, and the Chocolate Trail Mix With a Difference. You will get:

  • Training on healthy fats.
  • Video showing how to make chocolate chips.
  • Easily printable shopping list and instructions.
  • Access in case you have any questions.

“The chocolate chip cookies are absolutely delicious and very moist too!” ~ Tim Rose, Edmonton

Now you will have enough healthy chocolate treats to last you all week and enough to share with your friends.

Module 3
Creamy Chocolate without Dairy

If you have trouble with dairy products this module will be especially important to you. Even if you don’t avoid dairy though, you will be amazed at how great these taste.

Healthy Chocolate
Vegan Milk Coconut Chocolate Bar

You will learn how to make dairy-free Vegan Milk Coconut Chocolate Bar, and dairy-free, sugar-free Creamy Chocolate Pudding. You will get:

  • Video showing how to make Coconut Chocolate Bar and Pudding
  • Lesson on why it is good to eat a little chocolate and the best type.
  • Easily printable shopping list with instructions.
  • Access in case you have any questions.

“It’s different than getting a recipe book. I get recipe books all the time and never MAKE them. With The Chocolate Project, are making a commitment to do a recipe and you have the person who developed it right there so you can ask questions or make adjustments. I love the treats!” ~ Cindy Winser

Module 4
Wonderful Raw Chocolate

Healthy Chocolate Project
Raw Chocolate Balls

Raw chocolate is even more healthy than regular chocolate. In this module, you will learn to make Raw Chocolate Balls filled with omega 3, and Raw Milk Coconut Chocolate Balls. You will get:

  • Video showing how to make chocolate balls.
  • Easily printable shopping list and instructions.
  • Training on the value of raw food.
  • Assess in case you have questions.

There are a total of 20 videos for you to learn from.

Enjoy watching and learning from them!

Here’s Everything You’ll Get,
As Soon As You Join
The Healthy Chocolate Project

Online Training: 4 Modules
Module 1: Video Training: Getting Started With Dark Chocolate – Just in Time For Valentine’s Day 29.00
Module 2: Video Training: The Only Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie on the Planet 29.00
Module 3: Video Training: Creamy Delicious Chocolate Without Dairy 29.00
Module 4: Video Training: Raw Chocolate Balls 29.00
Nutritional Training on Healthy Sugars, Healthy Fats, and Gluten-Free Baking 10.00
Combined Shopping lists 10.00
Access to Diana’s Help 50.00
Total Real World Value Today:

Your Price:
Only $25.00

And It Comes with This 30-Day
“No Questions Asked” Priority Guarantee!

If for any reason you are not satisfied, for whatever reason, just contact our office and you will be issued a speedy refund. There is no risk to you at all.

I want to learn to make healthy chocolate.

  • I understand I will be billed only $25 today to receive immediate access to The Chocolate Project
  • I will receive access to all training modules as they are released which I can watch at anytime 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world.
  • I can refund for any reason or no reason whatsoever within the 30 days of my purchase.

Enjoy Healthy Chocolate

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